A slice of Haven-Naturally, Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Coastline @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

There are only a few communities left along the New South Wales coastline, where human advancement is halted by nature.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Naturale @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

The Camden Haven area is one of them. This makes this region a haven for wildlife and a heaven for locals who live here.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Topdown Coastline @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

‘Why go anywhere else if you have everything you need here.’ John said upon my arrival.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Blink of an eye @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

‘Look around you. Look around and have a closer look. You never know what you might find’

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Camouflage in plain sight @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

This was 9 months ago and I am still looking, mostly with a camera or drone in tow.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Where to next? @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

The communities around the Camden River are a Haven for outdoor enthusiasts like myself.           A multitude of opportunities to keep me mentally and physically entertained.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Dancing on the jetty @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

This is partly due to vast amounts of water.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Water all around @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Lots of water.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Reflecting @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Quiet waters which reflect on life.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Movement @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

And wild waters regenerate stagnancy.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Fresh fish at school @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Water is the source of life. And these waters are teeming with life.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Beyond the Brothers @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

The merging Upsalls Creek and Black Creek combine to initiate the Camden Haven River in the nearby Great Dividing Range.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Tidal flats @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

The lowlands are evenly flat, which creates slow-moving tidal swampy areas.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Sidetracked @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Combined with several other creeks and the decent-sized brackish water of Queens Lake, it is a vital habitat for fish- and birdlife.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Oyster Farm @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

The oyster industry is a huge part of communal income. Fishing is one of the most practiced activities here.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Vessels @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Either on land or from a floating vessel, locals can target a huge variety of fish.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
In tow @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Kayak fishing is also very popular and largely successful, maybe a bit too much?

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Boat ramp and cleaning station @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

There must be at least a dozen boat ramps and fish cleaning stations along the main artery named Camden River.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Cycle Path @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

I tried to cycle along and count them one day, but gave up after another popped up here and there.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Lunch break @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

These are constantly patrolled by the feathered fishos in black and white.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Breakfast @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Surely it’s breakfast time somewhere.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Life is a beach @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

The clear waters off the Pacific Ocean wash up on white sandy beaches.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Backstroke @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

At certain times of the year, Humpback Whales migrate either to or from the Antarctic. Depending on currents and therefore food sources like schools of baitfish determine how close they swim along the shoreline.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Safety in numbers @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Mothers and their calves, which stay together for 2 years, are often seen close by in quieter and safer waters. While faster-swimming males sound their underwater overture and compete in jumping duels.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Bumber @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

I believe that leaping whales signal a multitude of reasons. Mainly because they can. They are having a whale of a time on their travels.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Headland @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Humpback Whales are best spotted and observed from higher elevated points like any off several headlands.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Top view @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Multiple pods of dolphins call this area their home and territory. They are often seen a long way upstream of the Camden River and Stingray Creek.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Dolphin escort @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Dolphins compete in surf lessons in and around the break walls. Go, Flipper.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Bottlenose @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
G’day Mate. How are you? @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Rarer and less likely spotted birds and animals are spotted if you look a bit closer.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Who is the umpire? @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

While the usual suspects entertain themselves unusually.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Golden hour @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Black and white cockatoos, correllas, galahs, lorikeets, kookaburras, swallows, peewees, and the entertaining lap-wing are seen in abundance. Eagles and ospreys nest along the riverbanks and are often seen soaring well above.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Seasonal visitors @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Plus many, many more bird species and animals. It is fascinating.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Banksia @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

The floral display of dry heath is captivating.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Blackbutt @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Just as well as wetland areas dotted in black butts.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Numerous parks and resting areas dictate the pace of nature.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Sunrise over Perpendicular Point @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

At sunrise.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Sunset @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Or sunset.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Dragons @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Even dragons patrol the Three Brothers. It is a spiritual region.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Tinkerbell @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

My favorite aspect of this region is the Mother Nature to People ratio.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Oz-trailer, Mate @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

More birds, more animals, and more trees. And less people.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Only Peli can @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

At times it appears that there are more pelicans here than humans around the waterways.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Give it to MEEEE @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

This is the only fast food outlet in this region, which is an outstanding feature.

Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Prince Charming @Camden Haven, Mid-North Coast, New South Wales, Australia

The people that do live here are primarily families that grew up in this area over decades. Combined with Mother Nature, it gives Camden Haven this charming aspect.

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